Due to harassment by powerful indian intelligence and security agency officials, an obc single woman engineer finds that almost no Indian customer has paid her as promised in the last few years. Allegedly large corporates like Google, Tata have instigated the officials to steal the retirement savings of the obc engineer without a court order or legally valid reason and are now trying to ensure that she does not have local customers as these fraud officials are falsely claim that the Paypal account of the obc engineer belongs to the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers diploma holder fraud siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari slut slim bsc sunaina who sleep with them, brahmin and other frauds like gsb extortionist riddhi, nayanshree hathwar.
Then these fraud officials are claiming that the business is illegal because she does not have local customers. Just because these fraud officials are threatening customers or encouraging them to cheat the obc engineer it does not mean that the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers, brahmin frauds automatically own the Paypal account of the obc engineer