Quora payment exposed massive business ownership fraud on domain investor

Indicating the viciousness of government agencies, tech and internet companies in slandering, cheating, exploiting, robbing a small online business owner, domain investor, since 2010, they were falsely claiming that paypal, bank account, domains of the hardworking single woman domain investor belonged to powerful greedy government employees and their lazy greedy relatives, friends and associates who did not do any computer work, did not invest any money in domains yet got no work, no investment government jobs
Using the stolen data, the cunning cheater government employees were making fake claims while the hardworking business owner was slandered as lazy, idle to cause great financial losses, deny her the income and opportunities she deserved
Only the quora account linked to the facebook account was not claimed by the cybercriminal government employees and when the quora payment was credited to the same business account, the massive online, financial, business ownership fraud was exposed.