Corrupt greedy shameless indian intelligence, security agencies force indian citizens to invest in insurance

Though India officially claims to be a democracy, in reality it is ruled by the greedy corrupt dishonest intelligence and security agencies who are free to do anything they feel like, without a court order or legally valid reason. For example these officials have made fake allegations without any proof against a harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor, paypal account holder for more than 5 years and stolen her retirement savings of twenty years, without a legally valid reason or court order. These fraud security agency officials who are replacing the british in commiting human rights abuses, atrocities on harmless indians label any vulnerable person as a security threat without any proof to exploit, cheat the person for the rest of his or her life.

So though the returns on insurance investment remains low compared to other options, indian citizens who are defamed, exploited by the fraud corrupt security and intelligence agencies are forced to invest their hard earned money in insurance or the shameless fraud indian intelligence and security agencies will steal all their hard earned money making up fake stories

Necessary technology for the finance sector

Worldwide governments are relying on technology for better tracking and record keeping, especially in the financial sector. So many finance sector professionals who otherwise did not know much about computers and the internet are now forced to keep elaborate financial records in digital format. A look at the E necessities for finance sector professionals and companies, software and hardware.

Pain ray used to torture harmless indian domain investors, paypal account holders

In India due to the misplaced healthcare priorities of indian intelligence agencies, a huge amount of indian tax payer money is wasted to ruin the health, finances and cause great pain to harmless indian citizens, especially domain investors, paypal account holders misusing the pain ray or active denial system(ADS) which the indian intelligence, security agency officials have access to for national security .
Any other harmless indian domain investor, paypal account holder or indian resident being ruthlessly tortured using these invisible hitech weapons, which cause great pain, can send their details to and check Healthcare website for more information.

Torture of domain investors in India causing great pain

While the incompetent security and intelligence agencies cannot maintain law and order in Haryana and other places in north India they are allowed to waste infinite indian tax payer money to stalk, sexually harass and criminally torture harmless domain investors in India, causing great pain and health problems, for their personal gain or hatred. This adversely affects the revenues of these domain investors and makes it difficult to lead a normal life.

goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giving R&AW employee bsc sunaina’s MURDER attempt on obc single woman engineer

Knowing that google, tata are allegedly pampering, protecting and rewarding her, the lazy greedy criminal goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE GIVING r&aw employee bsc sunaina and her criminal associates including lovers and relatives like pritesh working in intelligence and security agencies made a MURDER ATTEMPT on the harmless obc single woman engineer whose btech 1993 EE degree, resume, investment the criminal SEX BRIBE giving r&AW employee bsc sunaina falsely claims to have to get the R&AW job.
The latest MURDER ATTEMPT on the obc engineer by the criminal goan obc bhandari R&AW employee bsc sunaina and her criminal associates misusing directed energy weapons took place at around 7.20 pm on February 12, 2016, causing great pain, as the lazy greedy young goan sex bribe giving R&AW employee sunaina and her associates tried to MURDER the obc engineer in her attempt to become very rich overnight. The fraud ntro officials having SEX with the criminal goan R&AW employeee sunaina falsely claim that the mediocre goan obc bhandari slut sunaina they take sex bribes from owns domain names (including this one), associated paypal account to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money paying the criminal R&AW employee a salary, when the goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina does not own any domain name, gets a salary for offering SEX BRIBES to top officials

Looking for legal help to punish the criminal goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giving R&AW employee bsc sunaina and her associates