As Ratan Tata tries to get the Bombay Dyeing chairperson Nusli Wadia evicted from all the tata companies, the tata boardroom battle is becoming messy. Though Cyrus Mistry has been evicted from most of the large tata companies, and Nusli Wadia appears to be following the footsteps of Cyrus Mistry, the long term future of tata group appears to be increasingly uncertain, according to many media reports.
Ratan Tata is 79 years old and according to most doctors and physicians, most human beings should consider the years that they live beyond 80 to be a bonus as their health and mental ability is gradually declining
For the sake of the thousands of investors, it is hoped that the matter is resolved quickly because if the issue continues for months or years, a large number of employees could lose their jobs, and investors lose their money