In one of the greatest indian SEX, identity theft rackets allegedly masterminded by cunning fraud google, tata employees since 2010, top indian security, intelligence, cbi, ntro employees are stealing the hard earned money of harmless older women engineers, domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason to enjoy FREE sex with google,tata supplied PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who are then getting a monthly R&AW salary for their SEX services, falsely claim that the PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees have the resume, investment of the google competitor, domain investor
Though financial records will prove that lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi have almost no savings of their own, indian government falsely claims that they are investors, owning the investment of the google competitor, engineer, for the sex services they provide to security agency employees in India, to pay them a monthly R&AW salary
Read more about Indian security agencies, sex services, sex workers sunaina, siddhi employed by R&AW in the never ending sex trade racket masterminded by google, tata since 2010
Month: August 2017
Broke google competitor can make more incremental money growing beans
Due to the google, tata, ntro, cbi, sex racket, identity theft fraud, it is extremely difficult for a google competitor, domain investor to make any money online, as the google, tata, freelancer ntro, cbi employees are ruthless in blocking almost all payment to the google competitor closing her account, however much time and money she is spending online.
So for the google competitor, it is a better option to grow bean plants, as the beans can be sold in the market or locally for some money. In june, july 2017, the domain investor had grown some bean plants, and now in august she is getting a regular harvest of beans which can be eaten instead of purchasing from the market.
Money saved is money earned, and it is far more difficult for the ntro, cbi, google, tata employees to cause damage to the bean plants compared to blocking online payment . The domain investor is now planning to grow more vegetables in the kitchen garden
Aquarium snails, garden snails, snail shells available for sale
Broke domain investor, google competitor is looking for retailers,dealers, distributors and wholesales interested in purchasing aquarium snails, garden snails, snail shells in bulk. Prices vary from rs 1 to Rs 5 per snail and snail shell, depending on the size. Suppliers of other varieties of snails can also contact
More details at snails joint venture.