For the last 10 years, the sundar pichai led google, tata have made the indian internet sector, a paradise for LIARS AND FRAUDS getting them all raw/cbi jobs, falsely claiming that the liars and frauds are online experts, domain investors
The indian government is corrupt and inefficient that no one is questioning the google, tata employees why their role model indore ROBBER housewife veena who they got a R&AW job has no paypal income in her income tax returns for the last 10 years
If veena has no paypal income, why are google, tata, ntro,raw, cbi falsely claiming that the robber is an online expert, while criminally defaming her relative who she robbed who has a legal paypal income
after robbing her relative, veena leads a nice relaxed life, she does no computer work at all, other than facebook posts,yet sundar pichai led google, tata show that they are the top fraud it and internet companies DUPING companies, countries and people that the indore robber owns the paypal, bank account of her relative she robbed
When indore robber R&AW employee veena is not showing any paypal income in her income tax returns, why are google, tata, ntro,raw, cbi involved in a BANKING, paypal fraud for the last 10 years falsely claiming that the robber with no online income is an online expert, while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor who actually has a paypal income