The indian, madhya pradesh and all state governments are aware of the fact that the indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone, is only a housewife after her house and family in indore she has never invested any money online, and has no online income at all,
yet along with the fraud company tata, the sundar pichai led google REWARDED the ruthless indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena for her CRIME of ROBBING the documents and identity of a google competitor with a R&AW job and now these fraud companies along with the indian, madhya pradesh government are falsely claiming that the indore ROBBER housewife, who has no online income owns the domains, paypal, bank account of the her RELATIVE WHO veena ROBBED
The indore housewife veena like other raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree is only looking after her house and family, yet google, tata show that they are section 420 fraud companies worse than nigerian fraudsters DUPING people, companies and countries with their fake claims about domain ownership, paypal account
initially since the indore fraudsters veena, deepika and others were PAYING massive BRIBES to top officials, the indian government propaganda machinery, R&AW was able to DUPE countries, companies and people with their FAKE CLAIMS
The real domain investor ROBBED by raw employee veena was put under surveillance, all her laptops hacked so that raw/cbi/ntro could continue with their FINANCIAL, ONLINE FRAUD
Since the domain investor was dealing with many companies worldwide, while R&AW employee veena is only a housewife, the intelligence agencies in other countries wanted to be sure who owned the domains, since they do not want any chargeback on their credit cards or illegal transfers of domain names. Legally all the domains are owned by the engineer, a private citizen who is ROBBED by the R&AW employee veena, yet all the government agencies, google, tata continue to support veena and other fraud raw/cbi employees in their DOMAIN, paypal, bank account ownership fraud.
The intelligence agencies, registrars were able to verify that the domain investor was not doing anything illegal, indian government agencies are LIARS making fake claims, and google, tata are showing their lack of ethics supporting veena and others in their FINANCIAL FRAUD.
the american companies realized that google had no ethics at all, supporting the indore robber veena in her financial, online fraud, which was extremely unfair to the domain investor, who has no time, and very less money while her relative veena who ROBBED her is having plenty of money because of google, tata’s support for her CRIME. Hence they decided to initiate anti trust action , since google is probably using similar unethical tactics to destroy competition worldwide
Google’s support for indore ROBBER RAW employee housewife veena triggered anti trust action against Google in 48 states in USA