R&AW/CBI are promoting their lazy greedy fraud employees goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, brahmin nayanshree hathwar, obc slut sunaina as domain investors, Paypal account holders, ideal women yet these greedy lazy cheater goan gsb frauds are worse than the papad factory owner in savdhan india episode broadcast on 5 January 2016, mercilessly and ruthlessly exploiting vulnerable women.
Most women have sympathy for other women and their problems, yet these cruel greedy fraud CBI/R&AW employees especially riddhi siddhi mandrekar are ruthless in exploiting honest hardworking women, spreading malicious rumors without any proof, wasting indian tax payer money. Like the cruel fraud factory owner in savdhan india, the R&AW/CBI employee goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi and their associates, want the brilliant obc engineer they are impersonating, to work for free, so that these lazy greedy frauds and their associates can become rich at her expense.
For all the powerful officials who are defending the goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, can these officials explain why these fraud women want to falsely claim that they have a btech 1993 EE degree, investment and experience, Why are these lazy greedy fraud women blocking the correspondence of the harmless single woman obc engineer.