The obc engineer, Paypal account holder and domain investor has realized that approaching lawyers for help anywhere in India will be a waste of time, as the powerful officials harassing her will terrorize the lawyer and ruin his career. However she has realized that she can utilize the misdeeds and harassment of the these powerful fraud officials to expose them, the sex briber givers and cheaters.
For any network of websites, content creation will be a major challenge , and fresh content will be needed regularly. It appears that in Goa there are at least a few officials deputed only to watch the domain investor and these officials are always devising new methods to harass, defame, cheat and exploit her. While most of these methods fail, these methods are often news which can be shared .
So unlike 5.5 years ago, when tax payer money was not wasted to monitor and harass the obc domain investor, so content creation was a challenge , now these officials especially in Goa, help in content creation daily with their childish attempts to harass, torture a harmless civilian wasting tax payer money.