The media carried a report on the mobile phone market in Goa, how retailers were reporting a decline in sales and people were preferring to order online. They reported that after the mining shutdown , there was little money in circulation in Goa yet the real reason remains the cruelty and greed of local intelligence and security agency officials, who will not let any business to flourish unless they get a stake in the business.
A first generation entrepreneur is taking a great risk starting a business, making great sacrifices, so they may not agree to give a stake to a person who they do not know as it can adversely affect their revenues. However the local intelligence and security agency officials are ruthless in exploiting, torturing the small business owner because he or she has not given them a stake .
Every time the domain investor and engineer will visit an electronics or mobile shop, these officials will ruthlessly attack to cause great pain . So the experienced domain investor will avoid shopping offline and also not be able to use the laptop in the day, as these officials will torture her more.
When a small business owner is spending most of his or her time avoiding the cruel officials torturing her, how can her business flourish