Ajwain is one of the few plants which has edible leaves and requires less maintenance, regular watering
The following ajwain or indian coleus , borage supplies are available
Ajwain leaves fresh
Ajwain leaves dried
Ajwain branches
Ajwain cuttings
More details of ajwain supplies available
Category: Uncategorized
CEOs in the IT and internet sector in India
The recent resignation of Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka from his position, saying that he wasting time defending himself against fake allegations, is an indication of the culture in the indian IT and internet sector. Just because someone has made fake allegations often without any proof, the person is considered to be guilty which is not fair. In most european companies, time and resources are usually not wasted defaming an innocent person without proof only for fun, to ruin his or her career, more on the extremely negative culture in the indian internet and tech sector at Online ceos the true story of the ruthless greedy inhuman ceos, how they manipulate the system .
Reviews of pharmacies online and offline
Most people have to visit pharmacies offline at some stage in their life. However the quality of service and the availability of products varies to a very great extent depending on the pharmacy. Many of the online pharmacies are offering lower prices. Most pharmacies are insisting on a doctors prescription. More details at pharmacy reviews and information for reference
Get leaves quickly for health, crafting, food or other purposes
The following dried leaves are available for sale(fresh leaves available on request)
Teak leaves
Ajwain leaves
Bean leaves
Insulin plant leaves
Money plant leaves
Gardenia leaves
Valerian leaves
Mango leaves
Hibiscus leaves
Aloe vera leaves
More details of the leaves available at Leaves Quick, most leaves are from plants owned by the domain investor.
No equality in the indian internet sector due to corrupt greedy officials
Indian paypal account holders who are not well connected are subjected to very great atrocities by the indian intelligence and security agencies who make completely fake allegations without any proof at all. the shameless section 420 fraud ntro employees are falsely claiming that their relatives, friends, the lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex worker, cheater housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI employees who do not spend any money online, do not do any work online , own the websites and paypal account of a google competitor, domain investor to get all these google, tata sponsored frauds a monthly R&AW/CBI salary making a mockery of the fundamental right to equality assured by the indian constitution
An open question to the indian intelligence and security agency employees, when india claims that all citizens are equal, why do their lazy greedy mediocre relatives and friends like goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak not open their own paypal account, start their own online business, investing their time and money, why are they behaving like section 420 frauds, duping people, companies and countries worldwide with their complete lies about the domain, paypal account
can the shameless goan gsb fraud mafia of caro, mandrekar, nayak explain in an open debate why their lazy greedy extortionist relative goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak (looks like kangana ranaut) who has got a CBI job since 2014 for faking a btech 1993 ee degree, cannot open her own paypal account and start her own online business, why are they falsely goan conwoman ridddhi, a section 420 fraud owns the online business of a google competitor, obc bhandari single woman engineer, a private citizend.
Birds in India, queries, listing
Compared to fish birds are more entertaining pets, and require far less maintenance compared to dogs and cats. However it remains very difficult to suitable suppliers of birds in small towns, most of them are overpriced, or simply not available. A bird buyer has to visit a pet shop repeatedly to check if they have any kind of pet birds in stock
looking for suppliers of the following pet birds in India for listing
– zebra finch
– cockatiels
– hens
– parrots
– macaws
– canaries
– lovebirds
Please send prices, availability and other details of the birds available.
Innovators targetted for atrocities, identity theft in india forcing them to immigrate
Some time ago a famous media outlet had a story of how india was the largest exporter of CEOs in the world, and it mentioned that india remains a difficult place for talented, honest and hardworking people to live in . However the extremely cowardly and dishonest indian mainstream media refuses to cover the factually accurate news of the endless atrocities inflicted by the extremely corrupt cruel dishonest indian intelligence and security agencies on harmless indian citizens, engineers from top colleges, innovators , especially when they are bribed by large corporates to do so.
If more indian citizens were aware of these atrocities, identity theft and the unwillingness of the indian government to end these terrible human rights abuses,more brilliant students would immigrate from India at the first possible opportunity
Finding a reliable driver for a vehicle
After a particular age or having a certain profile, it is not advisable for a person to drive a car, it is better to hire a driver . however finding a reliable driver can be a major challenge, especially for those who are not well connected and targetted for harassment by the corrupt indian intelligence and security agencies. There is always a good demand for a well trained and professional driver offering services at a reasonable price.
Agencies supplying drivers with or without car, can send their details including rates for a listing
Dhokha in the indian internet sector
Some of the most sophisticated technology available in India is used to give a cheat/ dhokha to domain investors in India including voice to skull technology, memory reading. Hacking of laptops is a major problem, especially non indian laptops, as it is relatively difficult to get proper customer support. Companies especially domain registrars have no qualms taking money from a person who trusted them and then falsely claiming that the money was paid by a person who betrays their customer, the real domain investor, to get the person betraying a lucrative R&AW/CBI job in a major financial fraud.
So one of the major problems working online is finding a person who can be trusted as dhokha is extremely widespread.
Security agencies continue to pamper PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees, stealing savings of older women to enjoy free SEX
In one of the greatest indian SEX, identity theft rackets allegedly masterminded by cunning fraud google, tata employees since 2010, top indian security, intelligence, cbi, ntro employees are stealing the hard earned money of harmless older women engineers, domain investors without a court order or legally valid reason to enjoy FREE sex with google,tata supplied PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees slim goan obc bhandari sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc , goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar who are then getting a monthly R&AW salary for their SEX services, falsely claim that the PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees have the resume, investment of the google competitor, domain investor
Though financial records will prove that lazy greedy goan PROSTITUTE goan R&AW employees sunaina, siddhi have almost no savings of their own, indian government falsely claims that they are investors, owning the investment of the google competitor, engineer, for the sex services they provide to security agency employees in India, to pay them a monthly R&AW salary
Read more about Indian security agencies, sex services, sex workers sunaina, siddhi employed by R&AW in the never ending sex trade racket masterminded by google, tata since 2010