Business in goa adversely affected due to lockdown

Due to criminal defamation of IT and online business owners in goa, most of the businesses which flourish in goa are mainly offline
So during lockdown most of the shops are closed.
This adversely affects the banks, some of the banks are empty, have very few customers visiting
The government, politicians lack the vision to ask the well paid government employees to stop harassing and defaming online business owners, treating them worse than criminals.

Xerox businesses risky during Covid-19 pandemic

One of the most risky shops which a person can visit during the Covid-19 pandemic is a xerox shop, since they may transmit the covid-19 virus
Though some shops are open, they have no control over who is entering the shop to get xeroxes. Many people spend more time in the shop and they may be infected.
Larger xerox shops with airconditioning are the most dangerous.