Government employees Goan gsb Nayak, mandrekar, caro, bhandari pritesh chodan are some of the greatest frauds in goa

As a social service, it is announced that Goan gsb Nayak, mandrekar, caro, bhandari pritesh chodan are some of the worst fraud government employees in goa as they are involved in a major financial, banking, online fraud since 2010, getting their mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced fraud relatives and friends lucrative R&AW/cbi jobs with fake resume, fake investment after defaming, cheating and exploiting a harmless single woman bhandari engineer without any legally valid proof.
Though they have not found any legally valid proof after making fake allegations for more than 8 years, these fraud goan government employees do not have the humanity, honesty and professional integrity to admit their mistake, and compensate their victim.
So do not believe in the lies of these fraud government employees and do not trust them or their relatives, they could destroy your life , More details of fraud government employees at intelligence fraud in India.

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