While there are few new jobs generated in Goa

In the Business section of a newspaper in Goa there was interesting article on the lack of new jobs in Goa on July 25, 2016. Engineering college graduates were getting salary offers of only Rs 7000 – Rs 10000 a month. The lack of opportunities in goa is because of the extremely negative attitude of the most powerful intelligence and security agency officials in the state towards those interested in starting their own business.
In other states, anyone who is willing to take the risk of starting his or her own business is free to do so, officials realize that most people are risk averse and prefer a job, so they do not interfere or target them for harassment, unless large corporates are involved.
In goa some of the powerful intolerant security and intelligence agencies are extremely irrational, greedy and corrupt in defaming, cheating, torturing and exploiting small online business owners, especially in the internet sector.
In any other state, the local intelligence, security agencies have the grace, honesty and professional integrity to acknowledge the business owner, however ugly, who is taking the risk of starting the business, and who has experience, expertise .
on the other hand , in goa allegedly bribed by google,tata, the shameless fraud intelligence, security agency officials are abusing their great powers to falsely claim that inexperienced lazy greedy goan sex workers and cheater housewives, slim obc bhandari sex expert R&AW employee, jeans clad 2013 bsc sunaina who has sex with top officials, goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, semiliterate housewife naina and other 6 frauds, who no work online, are online experts to get these frauds R&AW/CBI/intelligence jobs with monthly salary.

When none of these google, tata sponsored fraud intelligence employees in Goa have done any work online or are connected to business in any way, yet are getting a lot of privileges, while the real business owner is defamed, systematically denied the opportunities she deserved, making it extremely difficult for her to earn a fair living, or allow the business to grow. Only when a business is doing well, it can employ people locally directly or indirectly. For example leads, orders are stolen, payment from foreign customers will be blocked for online business owners in goa .

It is an indication of the lack of professionalism and competence of the local intelligence and security agencies in Goa that they do not question the complete lies of the shameless fraud tata, google officials who are falsely claiming that the lazy greedy goan sex worker, housewife R&AW/CBI employees, who have never done any work online, are online experts to waste tax payer money on these sex workers, cheater housewives, paying them a monthly salary, giving them very great powers in the indian internet sector.

If the google sponsored sex workers, cheater housewives R&AW/CBI employees really have any knowledge, why are they not starting their own business, why are they falsely claiming to own the paypal account of another indian citizen. Does google favorite goan sex expert R&AW employee slim obc bhandari sunaina know anything about SEO, making money online,domain names or is the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan obc bhandari slim SEX expert R&AW employee only an expert in HAVING SEX with top offficials, especially cunning fraud sex starved mentally unsound google, tata officials

Due to the promotion of goan sex worker R&AW employees siddhi, sunaina, who do no work online, as online experts, goa has become famous worldwide for its sex workers, sex trade and people from all over india flock to goa. If these google, tata sponsored sex workers were really the online experts which their shameless fraud lovers, relatives, friends, google, tata officials falsely claim they are, goa would be world famous for its internet companies,domain investors, not sex trade , and fresh graduates in goa would not be struggling for jobs.

Harassing, defaming, exploiting a google competitor, will help google,a US company, make more profit, it does not help the state of goa, as the revenues of the online business owner are far less than what she would otherwise make if the local officials did not support google, tata in their sex, cheating, impersonation fraud on a harmless online business owner.

Home delivery and other services for senior citizens

Most of the senior citizens who have opted for a reverse mortgage do not have anyone to help them financially, morally or to even run small errands. As these retired individuals receive a regular income from the reverse mortgage, they are willing to pay for services which will make their life simpler and more comfortable. It can be a lucrative niche for those interested in starting a new business, especially in small towns, where there are a large number of senior citizens who do not have children or whose children are living in another state or country.

Warning about false claims of sex specialist, housewife and other fraud R&AW/CBI/indian government employees

Kindly note that allegedly bribe by google, tata , the shameless fraud playboy ntro officials are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex partners R&AW employees slim jeans clad skeletal obc bhandari fraud sunaina chodnekar(with thick hair), goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, asmita patel, veena, ruchika, naina and other frauds are providing content and owning the website to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money on these lazy mediocre fraud women paying them a monthly salary.
In reality these google, tata sponsored fraud indian government employees have never done any work online or invested any money online in their life and are least interested in doing so, they are getting a salary for having sex with powerful officials, cheating, lies, betrayal and being relatives of powerful government officials.

In reality NTRO officials have been bribed to defame the real domain investor allegedly by google, tata for their corporate goals, so these cunning officials are putting the domain investor under surveillance falsely claiming national security and then falsely claiming that all the work is being done by their sex partners, girlfriends and cheater relatives who are actually not doing any work at all.

The fact that the R&AW employee sunaina or sunny bunny is only the sex partner of the playboy ntro officials has become world famous. Anyone who can help the domain investor recover the money, about Rs 1.1 lakh, looted by R&AW shivalli brahmin fraud employee bbm nayanshree hathwar will be appreciated, as bengaluru police refuse to take any action against the brahmin fraud. R&AW, CBI, NTRO refuse to admit that these women have been hired for sex or cheating alone, they are not internet specialist at all.

However these shameless greedy indian intelligence agency employees who always want to take credit without doing any work are very sensitive to criticism and quick to shout defamation, when the factually correct news of their fraud will be published online. When the news of R&AW employee sunaina being the mistress/sex partner of top tata, google, ntro, cbi, raw officials was published as part of a sponsored reviews post, the post was rejected wasting the domain investors time as these officials continue to falsely claim that their lazy greedy goan sex partner R&AW employee sunaina, who does no work and does not invest any money online, owns the blog

It is very easy to legally prove that no R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employee owns the blog or associated paypal account
– check the whois address of the domain name
– check the Pan of the paypal account with the pan of the indian intelligence agency employee receiving a monthly salary
-check the bank account associated with the Paypal account.

Why dont these lazy greedy fraud google, tata sponsored fraud indian intelligence employees open their own paypal account, invest their own money in domain names and websites why do they continue to behave like section 420 frauds and falsely claim to own the paypal account and domain names of a private indian citizen. There are some blogposts from sponsored reviews, linkworth and other internet advertisers on this website, visitors should be aware of the fact that the lazy greedy goan obc bhandari sex specialist slim jeans clad skeletal sunaina chodnekar , her fraud associates including a slim woman with a child residing at st inez and othe fraud indian intelligence employees are not associated with the website in any way at all.

Reverse mortgage for small business owners

Small business owners who are not well connected often do not have any kind of saving as opportunities available to citizens often depend on their social network. After a particular age it becomes difficult to run a business because of health problems and biases against older people. However most business owners have invested their money in their own house and if they do not have anyone to support them financially in their old age, it is recommended that the house be used to get a reverse mortgage . The monthly amount received from the mortgage will depend on the appraised value of the house, so it is better to invest in the best house available locally.

NTRO, R&AW, CBI falsely claim SEX specialist, housewives and other frauds are exporters

The decrease in exports from India is directly related to the fact that the shameless fraud NTRO, R&AW, CBI officials allegedly bribed by google,tata are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy goan sex partners sunaina, siddhi, relatives, friends housewives nayanshree, riddhi, veena, naina, and other frauds like ruchika, asmita patel are exporters to get these frauds lucrative raw,cbi, intelligence agency jobs, when none of these well connected fraud indian government employees have earned a single rupee or penny from exports.
The real domain investor is ruthlessly defamed, cheated, exploited and tortured by the shameless fraud officials wasting a huge amount of tax payer money/.
When sex, housekeeping specialist are falsely considered exporters by shameless fraud indian government employees who cannot be identified or held accountable , naturally the real exporters who are denied the opportunities they deserved, will be adversely affected, resulting in decline in exports.

banking frauds on small business owners

Banking frauds widespread in India
In India top ntro,cbi,R&AW, security agency officials are involved in major banking frauds, stealing the retirement savings of harmless civilians without a court order, and falsely claiming that the stolen money belongs to the lazy greedy frauds who offer sex bribes, fraud relatives, cheater friends, housewives, wasting a huge amount of indian tax payer money in the process. Small business owners are particularly targetted for these impersonation fraud.

Open exploitation of single women business owners online

Increasingly officials are shamelessly exploiting women in the indian internet sector. For example shameless fraud tata, google,ntro and other company officials are falsely claiming that the lazy greedy INEXPERIENCED goan gsb frauds diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, have the impressive resume, investment of india’s largest female domain investor to get these shameless GOAN GSB FRAUDS lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resume .

These MEDIOCRE SHAMELESS GOAN GSB FRAUDS do not want to any work online or take the risk of investing their money online, yet why are top officials falsely claiming that their mediocre fraud girlfriends, who are extremely risk averse, own the business of another woman . Why dont the friends and relatives of top officials start their own business, instead of falsely claiming to own the assets, online business, paypal account of another woman. When the real business owner will protest against the slander why is it considered a national security threat.

Why is the business owner expected to quietly tolerate the slander and lies of powerful officials that their lazy greedy fraud girlfriends and relatives, who are not doing any work or spending any money, own her business to give these lazy inexperience frauds great powers, government jobs. Just because they are girlfriends and relatives of powerful officials, do they get the license to inflate their resume, fake their engineering degree, experience, investment

Fake black money allegations against business owners in Goa

It has become extremely difficult to run an online business in goa, because the shameless dishonest fraud intelligence and security agency officials, allegedly are making COMPLETELY FAKE ALLEGATIONS OF black money without any proof at all against a harmless small online business owner, domain investor, so that they can exploit the business owner to the maximum extent possible.

From 2010 to 2016 till date, these fraud shameless intelligence, security agency officials have ruthlessly defamed, cheated, exploited, tortured the harmless innocent small business owner to steal her retirement savings without a court order, her resume to get lucrative CBI/R&AW/intelligence agency jobs for 8-10 fraud friends and relatives of these officials, divert and steal her correspondence, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money in the process.

The shameless fraud R&AW, CBI, NTRO, tata,google officials having regular FREE SEX with goan obc bhandari SEX specialist R&AW employee slim bsc sunaina in goa,like to make FAKE black money allegations WITHOUT PROOF against the real domain investor, paypal account holder so that the lazy goan SEX specialist sunaina and other goan frauds like goan gsb cheater cbi employee housewife riddhi nayak, diploma holder fraud R&AW employee siddhi mandrekar can get a government salary, powers for CHEATING, LIES, SEX BRIBES.

An open challenge to the shameless fraud sex bribe taking intelligence, security, tata, google officials in goa to provide proof of black money, if these fraud officials have any proof at all of black money, why can they not send a notice to the domain investor? For more than 6 years these shameless fraud government officials on the payroll of google, tata have made fake allegations against the business owner, why are they finding it so difficult to find any proof?

When will these shameless fraud ntro, raw, cbi, security agency officials especially in panaji, goa stop repeating fake black money allegations like parrots or recorded robots against the harmless domain investor, engineer when they do not have any proof at all.

Expensive internet bandwidth in India

ompared to asian and other countries, internet bandwidth in India is both expensive, and highly regulated. An unidentified government official in NTRO or some government agency has decided that the internet usage of all users, especially paypal account holders, domain investors will be monitored very closely. Investors who are forced to use the internet for a few hours daily for business purposes are labelled as addicted to the internet, their sanity questioned, and subjected to impersonation frauds by indian intelligence and security agency officials. More information on how india has the most highly regulated internet usage in the world matching china, the resources and tax payer money wasted at Bandwidth Tariffs.
NTRO officials are not even willing to acknowledge the person paying the ISP for the internet connection, falsely claiming that their lazy sex bribe giving, housewife, cheater girlfriends and relatives are doing work online when these fraud women do not spend any money or do any work online, when these women do not spend a single penny online or in some cases do not use the internet or computer.

Get paid for sharing your problems

Are you facing any kind of problem, cheating, poor customer service, betrayal, sexual harassment, exploitation, torture, human rights abuses, poor product quality, defamation, slander, domestic violence, casteism, racism, discrimination, double standards, hypocrisy, finding it difficult to get work, customer not paying as promised, impersonation fraud, lead theft, order theft. Get paid for sharing your problems, send your problem details to nkinf@hotmail.com. Will compensate all contributors whose content will be published.

Kindly note that the shameless fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees, who are allegedly protected, promoted and rewarded by google, tata, goan obc bhandari sex bribe giver slim bsc sunaina chodnekar who sleeps with top officials, goan gsb frauds housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife bbm nayanshree hathwar, indore housewife veena, gujju domain fraudster asmita patel, ruchika, naina, architect kalpana natar and other fraud government employees are not associated with the website in any way at all, because these fraud government employees have not spent a single penny or paisa on the website expenses, have not done any work online and are NOT INTERESTED IN SPENDING ANY MONEY ONLINE.