Harassment, torture, ddefamation, tactics of R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials/agents

Though powerful R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials falsely claim that their lazy greedy employees own the domain names in the network of websites to justify the defamation, harassment of the real domain investor, in reality none of these lazy greedy women like goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, goan obc sex bribe giver slim sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree, asmita patel, own a single domain name or website, as these cheater women do not want to pay the market value of the websites, or do any work at all, yet greedily want to take credit after defaming the real obc domain investor without PROOF.

However the shameless R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials have been viciously defaming, exploiting, torturing and cheating the real domain investor and now the real domain investor has decided to document all the defamation, harassment, torture methods of R&AW, CBI, NTRO officials, so that other domain investors, small business owners in India are not affected by these corrupt, greedy officials

CBI, R&AW, NTRO officials bribed to defame obc single woman Paypal account holder

Allegedly in Panaji, Goa , CBI, R&AW, NTRO intelligence and security agency officials bribed to defame a harmless obc Paypal account holder, falsely claiming that her domain names belong to as many 8 lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced frauds, who actually do not spend a single paisa on the domain names. While jealousy and hatred can be a motivation, the single woman obc engineer believes that it is part of a systematic slander campaign to destroy her reputation.
Allegedly corporates like google, tata may be bribing these officials to abuse their powers and spread these completely false rumors to stalk and defame a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor who spends most of her time at home.

What is the monthly bribe paid to the CBI, R&AW, NTRO intelligence and security agency officials in Panaji, Goa to stalk, defame and torture the harmless single woman obc engineer. Are they paid in cash or kind? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

More shops closing in panaji, goa

In an indication of how difficult it is to do business in panaji, goa due to the misplaced priorities of the top intelligence agency officials, another shopkeeper confirmed that he was closing down his business in a month at the end of November 2015. This is the third shop closure that was observed in a small area in Panaji. These shops had been operational for at least 3 or 4 years.

The local intelligence agency officials are very powerful and in panaji, however, they are extremely selfish thinking only of themselves, their friends and relatives, and are least interested in the welfare of the city where they have so many powers. They have no qualms faking the resume of their mediocre lazy greedy friends and relatives to justify giving these inexperienced frauds great powers

In other places, the local intelligence agency officials are far more reasonable, they acknowledge that the person who will be taking the risk of starting a business needs the freedom to operate the business as he or she will want to. Most educated people in India do not take the risk of starting their business, leaving their job, and those who do so should be admired, not blackmailed.

However in Goa, the local intelligence and security agency officials are extremely selfish, and will not allow a small business owner even the freedom to make phone calls, smses, correspond freely if they do not get a stake in the business. Instead they waste Indian tax payer money to stalk small business owners and attack them daily causing great pain. With conditions so hostile, how can businesses in Panaji, Goa flourish

Goa’s most powerful and cruel pimp pritesh

If anyone wishes to get any work done in goa, they should be aware of the most powerful and cruel pimp of goa, pritesh. His achievement in getting his mediocre lazy greedy inexperienced relative obc bhandari bsc sunaina a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW, faking a Btech 1993 EE degree from a top engineering college, offering sex bribes to top officials cannot be matched by any other pimp, broker or business consultant.
The cunning greedy dishonest fraud pritesh negotiated a deal with a powerful ntro official, j srinivasan who was infatuated with the bsc sex bribe giver sunaina, half his age, and falsely claimed that she was his btech 1993 EE classmate, to steal the impressive resume of his brilliant obc classmate for the goan sex bribe giver sunaina. The powerful fraud J also falsely claimed that the bsc sunaina was a domain investor, paypal account holder to allegedly get a lucrative job in R&AW, when the fraud sunaina has not spent a single paisa on domain names or controls the paypal account or does any work,

The cruel fraud pimp pritesh also negotiated a deal with corrupt dishonest google, tata, cbi, ntro, r&AW and other intelligence agency officials, that sunaina would sleep with a certain number of officials and then these officials would abuse their great powers to spread completely false rumors that the lazy greedy sunaina was doing all the work online. In reality the lazy goan sex bribe giver sunaina was sleeping with powerful officals or enjoying, and was not interested in doing any work at all online.

Now after the goan sex bribe giver has been appointed to a lucrative job allegedly in R&AW, slowly the great lies of sunaina, pritesh and j srinivasan are getting exposed. Despite the major fraud of engineers with a btech 1993 EE degree who gave fake references to destroy the life of their classmate who they hated, R&AW remains a professionally managed organization to some extent. So the cruel J srinivasan, pritesh and their associates have increased their attacks and human rights abuses on the obc engineer , who their darling sex bribe giver sunaina is impersonating, causing great pain and insomnia daily.

Lakhs of the best students in India work for years, to get a btech ee degree from a top college, yet the goan pimp pritesh has managed to get fake references and a government job for sunaina only for sleeping with top officials. Not only has the fraud of cruel goan fraud pritesh not been exposed, he is also allowed to waste indian tax payer money daily to torture the harmless obc engineer who the goan sex bribe giver bsc sunaina is impersonating

Finding android wallpapers

Android has become one of the most popular operating systems for mobile phones, tablets and a variety of electronic gadgets.The android gadget owner who wishes to customize his device can check the different android wallpapers online and then download the wallpaper he or she likes for the android gadget.

Why are Indian customers, vendors so shameless

Online reputation matters, yet an obc domain investor, Paypal account holder finds that many Indian customers are shameless frauds who do not bother to pay after the requested work was done, or cheat the obc domain investor at the first opportunity. It appears that these cheaters like siddhi mandrekar,nayanshree hathwar, suraksha shetty, asmita pandey are extremely shameless and do not care for their online reputation at all .
After they have received the payment or got the work done they will simply refuse to reply
The customer or vendor will waste a lot of time trying to contact these frauds, yet these well connected frauds do not care for relationships.
When vendors/customers from other countries are prompt in paying and honest, why are only Indian customers and vendors shameless frauds

Small towns lack opportunities due to greedy intelligence and security agency officials

The media carried a report on the mobile phone market in Goa, how retailers were reporting a decline in sales and people were preferring to order online. They reported that after the mining shutdown , there was little money in circulation in Goa yet the real reason remains the cruelty and greed of local intelligence and security agency officials, who will not let any business to flourish unless they get a stake in the business.
A first generation entrepreneur is taking a great risk starting a business, making great sacrifices, so they may not agree to give a stake to a person who they do not know as it can adversely affect their revenues. However the local intelligence and security agency officials are ruthless in exploiting, torturing the small business owner because he or she has not given them a stake .
Every time the domain investor and engineer will visit an electronics or mobile shop, these officials will ruthlessly attack to cause great pain . So the experienced domain investor will avoid shopping offline and also not be able to use the laptop in the day, as these officials will torture her more.

When a small business owner is spending most of his or her time avoiding the cruel officials torturing her, how can her business flourish

How sex bribe givers, stalkers and frauds of goa help in content creation

The obc engineer, Paypal account holder and domain investor has realized that approaching lawyers for help anywhere in India will be a waste of time, as the powerful officials harassing her will terrorize the lawyer and ruin his career. However she has realized that she can utilize the misdeeds and harassment of the these powerful fraud officials to expose them, the sex briber givers and cheaters.
For any network of websites, content creation will be a major challenge , and fresh content will be needed regularly. It appears that in Goa there are at least a few officials deputed only to watch the domain investor and these officials are always devising new methods to harass, defame, cheat and exploit her. While most of these methods fail, these methods are often news which can be shared .
So unlike 5.5 years ago, when tax payer money was not wasted to monitor and harass the obc domain investor, so content creation was a challenge , now these officials especially in Goa, help in content creation daily with their childish attempts to harass, torture a harmless civilian wasting tax payer money.

Some fraud indian customers do not pay obc engineer

Due to harassment by powerful indian intelligence and security agency officials, an obc single woman engineer finds that almost no Indian customer has paid her as promised in the last few years. Allegedly large corporates like Google, Tata have instigated the officials to steal the retirement savings of the obc engineer without a court order or legally valid reason and are now trying to ensure that she does not have local customers as these fraud officials are falsely claim that the Paypal account of the obc engineer belongs to the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers diploma holder fraud siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari slut slim bsc sunaina who sleep with them, brahmin and other frauds like gsb extortionist riddhi, nayanshree hathwar.

Then these fraud officials are claiming that the business is illegal because she does not have local customers. Just because these fraud officials are threatening customers or encouraging them to cheat the obc engineer it does not mean that the lazy greedy goan sex bribe givers, brahmin frauds automatically own the Paypal account of the obc engineer

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